So that makes her an excellent candidate for a post area approach to tosa surgery. You can see that the eyelid position elevated nicely after the final effort. This is the before final reference photo here and the after photo here. Clearly she needs to have some Skin removed with the blepharoplasty and then she had an excellent response to 10% federal effort. And so for that reason we're choosing an external brow pixie where we make an incision here and are able to bring up that lateral third of the brow and stabilize the brow from further descent. The patient did not want to have a full direct brow nor an endoscopic brow. She had some temporal brought Asus and some hooding. And in that we were assessing the patient's brow position. It's helpful to look at the photos that we took in clinic. Bradley, M.D., an ophthalmologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, performs an external browpexy, blepharoplasty and Muller muscle-conjunctival resection for a patient with temporal brow ptosis and hooding.